Entrance Exam入試について

Questions for each subject of the entrance examination (Master's Program)

Entrance Examination (Master's Program) (General / August / January - February): Contents of Oral Examination

The range of questions for each subject of the oral examination (individual interview, examination about basic academic ability) is as follows.

Math Analysis (required) Differential method, integral method, series, differential equation, etc.
Linear algebra (required) Linear space, linear map, matrix, vector, etc.
Physics (select one subject) Mechanics Mass point / mass system mechanics, rigid body mechanics, etc.
thermodynamics First law and second law of thermodynamics, free energy and general relational expressions, etc.
Electromagnetism Electric charge, electric field, magnetic field, electric circuit, electromagnetic induction, etc.
About the assigned laboratory after admission

After notification of acceptance,If you cannot be assigned to the laboratory of your first-choice academic advisor, we will promptly contact you individually.If you do not contact us, you will be assigned to the laboratory of your first-choice academic advisor.

