About EME概要

Degree Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy (EME)

Degree Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy, which help students possess advanced specialized knowledge in engineering areas of machinery, architecture, social infrastructure, energy, aerospace, etc. and also to take a multidisciplinary approach to associated surrounding areas, cultivates researchers and highly specialized professionals capable of proposing their own solution methods for the essential problems that they extract and transmitting their outcomes eff ectively inside and outside Japan.


Master’s Program (DP, CP, AP)
Master of Engineering
Competencies specified in diploma policy
1. Knowledge application competence: Ability to contribute to society with advanced knowledge
2. Management competence: Ability to appropriately address challenges from broad standpoints
3. Communication competence: Ability to accurately and clearly communicate expert knowledge
4. Teamwork competence: Ability to work with a team and actively contribute to the achievement of goals
5. Internationality competence: Willingness to contribute to international society
6. Research ability: Ability to extract problems in the areas of engineering mechanics and energy and propose and carry out solution methods
7. Specialized knowledge: Basic academic abilities, advanced specialized knowledge and command of them in the areas of engineering mechanics and energy
8. Ethical view: Ethical view and ethical knowledge appropriate for highly specialized professionals in the areas of engineering
Curriculum policy
The curriculum is organized with the objective of fulfilling the Diploma Policy (DP). More specifically, students deeply learn the foundations and leading-edge technologies in engineering areas of machinery, architecture, social infrastructure, energy, aerospace, etc. and also learn widely in multiple areas in science and technology so that the Program can cultivate human resources who have the big picture in mind that an ordinary vertically-sectioning engineering major would not give.
Admission policy
We seek potential engineers or researchers with the fertile minds to contribute to mankind’s strides, who have an interest in machinery, architecture, social infrastructure, energy, aerospace, and such other engineering areas, based on a bachelor’s degree level of sufficient academic abilities in mathematics, physics and English.
Doctoral Program (DP, CP, AP)
Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
Competencies specified in diploma policy
1. Knowledge creation competence: Ability to create new knowledge that can contribute to future society
2. Management competence: Ability to plan and implement measures to identify and solve challenges from a higher perspective
3. Communication competence: Ability to express the true nature of academic findings positively and clearly
4. Leadership competence: Ability to have objectives get accomplished under your leadership
5. Internationality competence: Possession of a high level of awareness and motivation to be internationally active and contribute to international society
6. Research ability: Ability to extract leading-edge problems in the areas of engineering mechanics and energy and propose and carry out solution methods
7. Specialized knowledge: Basic academic abilities, leading-edge advanced specialized knowledge and command of them in the areas of engineering mechanics and energy
8. Ethical view: Ethical view and ethical knowledge appropriate for highly specialized professionals in the areas of engineering
Curriculum policy
The curriculum is organized with the objective of fulfilling the Diploma Policy (DP). More specifically, students deeply learn the foundations and leading-edge technologies in engineering areas of machinery, architecture, social infrastructure, energy, aerospace, etc. and also learn widely in multiple areas in science and technology so that the Program can cultivate human resources who have the big picture in mind that an ordinary vertically-sectioning engineering major would not give.
Admission Policy
We seek potential engineers or researchers with the fertile minds to contribute to mankind’s strides and with the goal to actively take the lead in relevant areas, who have a master’s degree or have the prospect of earning it, possess the sufficient academic abilities in the areas associated with engineering mechanics and energy, and have an interest in machinery, architecture, social infrastructure, energy, aerospace, and such other engineering areas.

Outlines of the Degree Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy (EME)

The Degree Program in EME is orientated at general engineering education and research grounded in mechanics, which namely covers a broad range of conventional engineering fields of mechanical engineering, architecture and building engineering, engineering for disaster mitigation, civil engineering, aeronautical engineering, nuclear engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, and energy engineering, etc.

Amongst the research targets: aircrafts, rocket engines, space structures and vehicles, seismological disaster mitigation, building structures, land and water (river, coast, lake, and ground) environments, energy generation systems (thermal, nuclear, MHD, and renewable), using advanced mechatronics and metrology, physical modeling of natural phenomena using computer simulations, and industrial design and fabrication.

The Degree Program in EME adopts the independent researcher structure instead of the traditional lectureship-based faculty structure. Faculty members belong to the different research groups of space development engineering, energy and environmental engineering, disaster control, and multi-scale solid materials engineering, where they are encouraged to collaborate closely with each other.

As for education, lecture courses are designed to offer graduate students an interdisciplinary education across the various areas of solid and structures, power and energy, and fluids and environment. Additionally, a “Daigakuin/Graduate Seminar” course (mandatory) is set up to provide students from different laboratories with an opportunity to present their research achievements and understand and appreciate each other’s research.

  • Educational purpose

    Degree Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy, which help students possess advanced specialized knowledge in engineering areas of machinery, architecture, social infrastructure, energy, aerospace, etc. and also to take a multidisciplinary approach to associated surrounding areas, cultivates researchers and highly specialized professionals capable of proposing their own solution methods for the essential problems that they extract and transmitting their outcomes effectively inside and outside Japan.

  • Career path after graduation

    <Master's Program> Private companies in the fields of machinery, architecture, infrastructure, energy, aerospace, etc., national or local governments, national research and development agencies, graduate school doctoral course, doctoral degree program, etc.

    <Doctoral Program> Private companies in the fields of machinery, architecture, infrastructure, energy, aerospace, etc., university professors, national research institutes and agencies, JSPS research fellows, etc.


Contact to
With regard to the EME Degree Program
Prof. Hideaki Monji (Program Leader)
e-mail monji*@*kz.tsukuba.ac.jp (remove *)
Administrative Office
Address 3F300, Third floor, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8573, Japan
tel +81-29-853-5059/5203
fax +81-29-853-5207
About the website
Public Information Committee of the EME Degree Program
e-mail kouhou*@*kz.tsukuba.ac.jp (remove *)
Pamphlet brochure about the Degree Program


修士(工学) [Master of Engineering]
1.知の活用力:高度な知識を社会に役立てる能力 2.マネジメント能力:広い視野に立ち課題に的確に対応する能力 3.コミュニケーション能力:専門知識を的確に分かり易く伝える能力 4.チームワーク力:チームとして協働し積極的に目標の達成に寄与する能力 5.国際性:国際社会に貢献する意識 6.研究力:構造エネルギー工学分野の問題を抽出して解決法を提案し実行できる能力 7.専門知識:構造エネルギー工学分野における基本的学力と高度な専門知識を運用する能力 8.倫理観:工学分野の高度専門職業人にふさわしい倫理観と倫理的知識
博士(工学) [Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering]
1.知の創成力:未来の社会に貢献し得る新たな知を創成する能力 2.マネジメント能力:俯瞰的な視野から課題を発見し、解決のための方策を計画し実行する能力 3.コミュニケーション能力:学術的成果の本質を積極的かつわかりやすく伝える能力 4.リーダーシップ力:リーダーシップを発揮して目標を達成する能力 5.国際性:国際的に活動し国際社会に貢献する高い意識と意欲 6.研究力:構造エネルギー工学分野の先端的な問題を抽出して解決法を提案し実行できる能力 7.専門知識:構造エネルギー工学分野における基本的学力と先端的かつ高度な専門知識を運用する能力 8.倫理観:工学分野の高度専門職業人にふさわしい倫理観と倫理的知識
ディプロマ・ポリシー(DP)が達成されるようにカリキュラムを編成する。即ち、機械、建築、社会基盤、エネルギー、航空宇宙など の工学分野における基礎理論や最先端技術を深く学ぶとともに、理工情報生命の中の複数分野についても広く学修することで、通 常の縦割り型の工学系専攻では得られないような広い視野を持つ人材を養成する教育を行う。


構造エネルギー工学学位プログラム(DEGREE PROGRAM IN ENGINEERING MECHANICS AND ENERGY)では、主に力学に立脚した工学全般を教育・研究の対象としています。すなわち、従来の機械工学・建築学・防災工学・土木工学・社会基盤工学・環境工学・航空工学・原子力工学・電気工学・環境工学・エネルギー工学などを幅広く教育・研究します。 研究対象としては、航空機・ロケットエンジン・宇宙構造物等の航空宇宙機器、地震防災や建築構造物、河川・海岸・湖水・地盤などの水域および陸域環境、火力・原子力・MHD・新エネルギーなどのエネルギーシステム等が挙げられます。最先端のメカトロ技術や計測技術、コンピュータシミュレーション等を用いて、現象の物理的モデルの構築や各種機器の設計・製作を行っています。 当学位プログラムでは講座制を廃止しており、各教員が独立研究室を運営しています。各教員は、宇宙開発工学学域、エネルギー・環境学域、ディザスタ制御学域、マルチスケール固体材料工学学域のいずれかの「学域」(当研究群内における研究グループ)に属しており、研究発表や共同研究などを通して、緊密な協力体制を敷いています。 教育においては、講義科目として、固体・構造系、電気・エネルギー系、流体・環境系の各分野が設けられており、大学院生は多岐に渡る分野を横断的に学ぶことができます。また、配属された研究室における研究内容を発表する「大学院セミナー(必修)」において、大学院生相互に研究内容を理解する機会が設けられています。
  • 人材養成目的
  • 修了後の進路
    <博士前期課程>機械、建築、社会基盤、エネルギー、航空宇宙分野などの民間企業、国または地方自治体、国立研究開発法人、大学院博士後期課程・博士学位プログラムなど <博士後期課程>機械、建築、社会基盤、エネルギー、航空宇宙分野などの民間企業、大学教員、国立研究開発法人、日本学術振興会特別研究員など
文字 秀明 (教授,構造エネルギー工学学位プログラムリーダー)
e-mail monji@kz.tsukuba.ac.jp
住所 〒305-8573 茨城県つくば市天王台1-1-1 筑波大学 中地区 第三エリア 工学系学系F棟 3F300事務室 アクセス
電話 029-853-5059/5203
fax 029-853-5207
e-mail kouhou@kz.tsukuba.ac.jp