Our faculty members are world leadeing researchers in a wide range of fields including aerospace, mechanical engineering, civil and architectural engineering, and energy.
Our unique enviroment and cutting-edge facilites support extensive research and multidisciplinary education for our students.
- University Recommendations for Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship [International Resilience Engineering Program powered by Industry-Academia Collaborated PBL] University Recommendations for Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship [International Resilience Engineering Program powered by Industry-Academia Collaborated PBL] Application Guidelines for Special Selection based on Japane... Application Guidelines for Special Selection based on Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program (Universi・・・
- 令和6(2024)年8月実施入学試験 集合時間と集合場所について [Important] Entrance Examination in August Selection Process for Admission 2025 2024年8月21日および22日に実施される口述試験の集合時間および集合場所を次のように決定しました。集合時間までに,必... 2024年8月21日および22日に実施される口述試験の集合時間および集合場所を次のように決定しました。集合時間までに,・・・
- 令和6(2024)年7⽉実施⼊学試験(博⼠前期課程推薦⼊試,博⼠後期課程社会⼈特別選抜⼊試(10⽉⼊学),博⼠後期課程⼀般⼊試(10⽉⼊学))集合時間と集合場所について [Important] Entrance Examination in July Selection Process for Admission Oct. 2024 and April 2025 2024年7月5日に実施される令和6(2024)年7 ⽉実施⼊学試験については,集合時間および集合場所を下記のように最終... 2024年7月5日に実施される令和6(2024)年7 ⽉実施⼊学試験については,集合時間および集合場所を下記のように最終決定・・・
- 令和6(2024)年1-2月実施入学試験 集合時間と集合場所について [Important] Entrance Examination of Graduate School in January to February Selection Process for Admission 2024 口述試験の集合時間および集合場所を次のように決定しました。 集合時間までに,必ず下の集合場所に集合してください。 &nb... [For Examinees to Master's Program General Selection Process] The meeting time and place have been set as foll・・・
- 教授公募(宇宙工学分野) 教授公募(宇宙工学分野) システム情報系・構造エネルギー工学学位プログラムでは、宇宙工学、特に宇宙機推進、宇宙環境利用、衛星利用、宇宙開発等の分野... システム情報系・構造エネルギー工学学位プログラムでは、宇宙工学、特に宇宙機推進、宇宙環境利用、衛星利用、宇宙開・・・
- [2024/7/19 (July 19)] EME International Seminar Series [2024/7/19 (July 19)] EME International Seminar Series Presenter: Prof. Ryan Hurley (Johns Hopkins University, US) ... Presenter: Prof. Ryan Hurley (Johns Hopkins University, US) For EME students
- [2024/6/7 (June 7)] EME International Seminar Series [2024/6/7 (June 7)] EME International Seminar Series Presenter: Prof. S. B. Singh (Birla Institute of Technology ... Presenter: Prof. S. B. Singh (Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani, India), Abstract and Bio ・・・
- [2024/5/21 (May 21)] EME International Seminar Series [2024/5/21 (May 21)] EME International Seminar Series Presenter:Prof. Daniel Pradel (The Ohio State University, US... Presenter:Prof. Daniel Pradel (The Ohio State University, US) For EME students
- 【当日動画掲載】オープンキャンパス2024のお知らせ (4月21日) 【Notice of Event】Open Campus 2024 (Apr. 21) 構造エネルギー工学学位プログラムでは、来る 4 月 21 日(日)にオープンキャンパスを開催します! 学位プログラムの紹... We will host an Open Campus on the upcoming Sunday, April 21! We will introduce Degree Program in EME, includi・・・
- Welcome and Welcome Back Fair in EME Welcome and Welcome Back Fair in EME Welcome and Welcome Back Fair was held on 10th April. We dis... Welcome and Welcome Back Fair was held on 10th April. We discussed and chatted about curriculum, career paths,・・・
- 【重要】新入生オリエンテーションのお知らせ 【Important notice】Orientation for new students in EME 新入生の皆さんへ 学生証と統一認証カード(大学のシステムを利用するために必要)の配付および新入生オリエンテ... Important notice to new students The distribution of student ID cards and unified authentication accoun・・・
- [2024/1/24 (Jan. 24)] EME International Seminar Series [2024/1/24 (Jan. 24)] EME International Seminar Series Presenter: Prof. Jidong Zhao (Hong Kong University of Scienc... Presenter: Prof. Jidong Zhao (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) 詳細はこちら (Click here for ・・・
- [2023/12/14 (Dec. 14)] EME International Seminar Series [2023/12/14 (Dec. 14)] EME International Seminar Series Presenter: Prof. Prof. Cino Viggiani (Laboratoire 3SR (Soils... Presenter: Prof. Cino Viggiani ((Laboratoire 3SR (Soils, Solids, Structures and Risks) Universite Grenoble Al・・・
- [2023/12/18 (Dec. 18)] EME International Seminar Series [2023/12/18 (Dec. 18)] EME International Seminar Series Presenter: Prof. Shunhua Chen (School of Ocean Engineering a... Presenter: Prof. Shunhua Chen (School of Ocean Engineering and Technology Sun Yat-Sen University, China) 詳細・・・
- [2023/9/28 (Sep. 28)] EME International Poster Session [2023/9/28 (Sep. 28)] EME International Poster Session EME International Poster Session was held on 28th Sep. The t... EME International Poster Session was held on 28th Sep. The total of ten posters were presented from EME studen・・・
- Application Guidelines are now available [University Recommendations for Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship] Application Guidelines are now available [University Recommendations for Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship] Application Guidelines for Special Selection based on Japane... Application Guidelines for Special Selection based on Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program (Universi・・・
- 令和5年度版連携大学院案内 Cooperative Graduate School System in EME 連携大学院方式とは、研究機関の研究者を大学の教授・准教授として迎え、その機関の研究環境を活用しながら研究指導等を行う、大... In order to respond to the academic and social needs, this degree program adopts a cooperative graduate school・・・
- 【7/10開催】構造エネルギー工学学位プログラム説明会 [10th July]Introduction for Degree Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy 筑波大学の学生を対象に「構造エネルギー工学学位プログラム説明会」を実施しました。 Introduction for Degree Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy was held for undergraduate students in Uni・・・
- University Recommendations for Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship [International Resilience Engineering Program powered by Industry-Academia Collaborated PBL] University Recommendations for Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship [International Resilience Engineering Program powered by Industry-Academia Collaborated PBL] Our program has been selected as one of the Japanese Governm... Our program has been selected as one of the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarshipis by university recommendat・・・
- 鮎貝崇広氏が日本混相流学会賞・萌芽賞を受賞 Dr. Takahiro Ayukai received Japanese Society of Multiphase Flow Award
- 才田大聖氏が日本計算工学会より優秀ポスター賞を受賞 Mr. Taisei Saida Received the Poster Award from the JSCES
- Alyssa Gewell Agena Llorin氏がEMCEI-2024最優秀論文賞受賞 Ms. Alyssa Gewell Agena Llorin received the EMCEI-2024's Best Paper Award
- 長谷川建氏、加賀見俊介氏、金川哲也准教授が日本機械学会バイオエンジニアリング講演会で優秀ポスター賞を受賞 Mr. Takeru Hasegawa, Mr. Shunsuke Kagami and Assoc. Prof. Tetsuya Kanagawa recieved Best Poster Award from JSME Bioengineering Conference
- 鮎貝崇広氏が筑波大学学長表彰を受賞 Mr. Takahiro Ayukai received the University of Tsukuba President's Award 2024年3月25日、令和5年度筑波大学卒業式にて、構造エネルギー工学学位プログラム後期課程3年の 鮎貝崇広 氏(金川哲... On March 25, 2024, at the University of Tsukuba Graduation Ceremony in AY2023, Mr. Takahiro Ayukai (supervised・・・
- 荻真優子氏と福屋智大氏が日本機械学会関東学生会卒研発表講演会で学生優秀発表賞を受賞 Ms. Ogi and Mr. Fukuya recieved Best Presentation Award from the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Kanto Branch
- 田渕宏太朗氏が電気学会新エネルギー・環境研究会若手優良発表賞を受賞 Mr. Kotaro Tabuchi received the Presentation Awasrd for Young Researcher in the Workshop of Frontier Technology and Engineering, IEEJ
- 明渡祐樹氏が日本溶射学会第118回(2023年度秋季)全国講演大会でベストプレゼンテーション賞を受賞 Mr. Yuki Akedo received the Best Presentation Award in the 118th JTSS Fall Meeting.
- 中村好伸氏が日本機械学会流体工学部門プラズマアクチュエータ研究会第10回シンポジウム優秀発表表彰を受賞 Mr. Yoshinobu Nakamura received the Best Presentation Awrd in the 10th Symposium of Technical Section on Plasma Actuators, the Fluids Engineering Division of JSME.
- 金久保利之教授がISO/TC71 Service Awardを受賞 Prof. Kanakubo Toshiyuki received the ISO/TC71 Service Award
- 長谷川建氏が日本計算工学会より優秀ポスター賞を受賞 Mr. Takeru Hasegawa received Best Poster Award from the Jaoan Society for Computational Engineering and Science
- 金川哲也准教授がターボ機械協会よりチャレンジ大賞を受賞 Assoc. Prof. Tetsuya Kanagawa received Challenge Award from the Turbomachinery Society of Japan
- Muhammad Umar Nadeem氏が2023 Young Scientists Forum 最優秀発表賞を受賞 Mr. Muhammad Umar Nadeem recieved Best Presentation Award at the 2023 International Young Scientists Forum
- 姜浩然氏が第29回ICCES国際学会でBest Student Paper Award (最優秀学生論文賞)を受賞 Mr. Haoran JIANG won the Best Student Paper Award at the 29th International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences (ICCES2023)
- 金川哲也准教授が日本流体力学会竜門賞を受賞 Assoc. Prof. Tetsuya Kanagawa received Ryumon Award from the Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics