About EME概要

Laboratory experience

Information (Currently NOT available)

We provide opportunities for laboratory experience for third-year students of science and technology universities and first-year students of advanced courses of colleges of technology who are interested in the structural energy engineering degree program.When considering the graduate school entrance exam next year, we hope that you will actually experience your research life for about two weeks in the laboratory of this degree program and use it as a reference for your advancement.

  1. Implementation period: About 2 weeks at any time
  2. Target audience: 3rd year university students and 1st year college students
  3. Participation fee: Free. Participants will be responsible for transportation, accommodation, meals, etc.
  4. How to apply:
    1. Please contact the faculty member of the laboratory you want to participate in by e-mail etc. and discuss whether or not to accept it.
    2. If acceptance is accepted in 1., fill in the required items in the attached "Application for Participation in the Structural Energy Engineering Degree Program Laboratory, System Information Engineering Research Group, Graduate School of Science and Technology, University of Tsukuba" and send a reply envelope. Please enclose it and apply to the "Application" below.At colleges of technology, please complete the application form at each school before applying.※Reply envelope: Please specify the address on the square No. 2 envelope (A4 size) and attach a stamp worth 240 yen.
  5. Application: 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture 305-8573
    University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Science and Technology, Faculty of Life and Information Sciences, System Information Engineering Research Group, Structural Energy Engineering Degree Program Office
    TEL: 029-853-5059
  6. Participant decision: Notify the person (in the case of a college of technology, the head of the school).The decision-maker will be notified of details such as the meeting time and place.
  7. Credits: A certificate of completion will be given to those who have completed the laboratory experience.In addition, if you need the prescribed form when accrediting credits at a college of technology, please send it together with the application form.
  8. Insurance: Please take out accident accident insurance, liability insurance, etc. by yourself.

Application form (MS-Word format)


  1. 実施期間:随時2週間程度
  2. 対象者:大学3年生および高等専門学校専攻科1年生
  3. 参加費:無料。交通費、滞在費、食事代等は参加者の負担となります。
  4. 申込方法:
    1. 参加したい研究室の教員とe-mail等で連絡をとり、受け入れの可否について相談してください
    2. 1.にて受け入れが認められた場合は、別紙「筑波大学大学院理工生命情報学術院システム情報工学研究群構造エネルギー工学学位プログラム研究室体験参加申込書」に必要事項を記入し、返信用封筒を同封の上、下記「申込先」宛にお申込ください。なお、高等専門学校においては、各校で申込書をとりまとめの上、お申込ください。※ 返信用封筒:角2号封筒(A4サイズ)に宛先を明記し、240円分の切手を貼付してください。
  5. 申込先:〒305-8573 茨城県つくば市天王台1-1-1 筑波大学大学院理工生命情報学術院システム情報工学研究群構造エネルギー工学学位プログラム事務室 TEL: 029-853-5059
  6. 参加者の決定:本人宛(高等専門学校においては学校長宛)に通知します。なお、決定者には集合時間・場所等の詳細を通知します。
  7. 単位認定:研究室体験修了者には、修了証書を授与します。また、高等専門学校において単位認定を行う際、所定の様式が必要な場合は申込書と一緒に送付してください。
  8. 保険:災害傷害保険、賠償責任保険等には各自で加入の上、受講するようお願いします。
