


【博士前期課程 一般入学試験】

◎集合時間 2024年1月26日(金)12:30集合(12:15受付開始)

◎集合場所 筑波大学筑波キャンパス 第三エリアE棟3階 E301室




【博士後期課程 一般入学試験/社会人特別選抜】

◎集合時間 2024年1月25日(木)9:50集合(9:30受付開始)

◎集合場所 筑波大学筑波キャンパス 第三エリアF棟4階 F400室





構造エネルギー工学学位プログラムリーダー:  文字 秀明

e-mail: entexam*@*kz.tsukuba.ac.jp(*を除いてください)


[For Examinees to Master's Program General Selection Process]

The meeting time and place have been set as follows. Please be sure to come at the following meeting place by the meeting time.

Meeting date and time: 12:30 p.m., Friday, January 26, 2024 (registration starts at 12:15)
Meeting place: E301 Room, 3rd Floor at Building E in Area 3 (Institutes of Engineering Sciences E), University of Tsukuba

Please also refer to here and campus map.

Please note that you will not be able to leave the waiting room after gathering except under special circumstances, and that you will not be allowed to use any electronic devices with Internet access until after your oral examinations is completed.


[For Examinees to Doctoral Program General Selection Process/ Special Selection Process for Working Individuals]

The meeting time and place have been set as follows. Please be sure to come at the following meeting place by the meeting time.

Meeting date and time: 9:50 a.m., Thursday, January 25, 2024 (registration starts at 9:30)

Meeting place: F400 Room, 4th Floor at Building F in Area 3 (Institutes of Engineering Sciences F), University of Tsukuba

Please also refer to here and campus map.